Thursday, June 19, 2014

tak ikut cakap umi

yesterday i was in serdang for program kecergasan.  i received a phone call from izzah when i was playing a batu seremban.  oooh actually not from her.. but from my mom to tell me that izzah tak mau pegi sekolah agama.  letih & the weather was so hot as a reasons.  okay.. agak marah di situ bcoz i told her to go to sekolah agama for straight one week not lobang2.. no ponteng2.. tp degil.  but at last me & my husband terpaksa to say yes.. but only for yesterday.  today she must go to sekolah agama.  

then.. when i got back home at 7pm.. in the car.. laila, my youngest daughter told me "kakak jatuh kat luar rumah nenek.  tgn & kaki berdarah".  yaaa.. agak teruk dia jatuh.. perit jugak la tengok luka dia.  but suddenly an idea came out in my mind.. hik hik hik.. "itu lahhhhh.. ini balasannya dari Allah sbb tak nak dengar cakap umi.  umi suruh jgn ponteng tp ponteng jugak."  izzah just kept quiet.  

i thought she insaf already.. but today.. she did it again.  not going to sekolah agama.. but this time punya reason "kaki kan luka.. sakit".. then i just told her in the phone "ok, just wait & see what balasan from Allah for this time"  terusssssss... she sms-ed me.. 

"okay.. izzah buat exercise book skrg.. esok izzah pegi sekolah agama.".

i just smiled.. but tunggulah time balik nnt aku bebel.. 


Friday, June 13, 2014

my secret..

from 56.6kg to 49kg in a month.. Many people have been asking how I have reached that number, or what my "secret" was.  ha ha ha.. yeahhh i can tell u the "secret".. but what i can tell u just based on my personal experience!  

my secret is Atkins Diet!

no food of karbohidrat... no nasi, mihun, mee, kueteow, megi, laksa, spegetti atau adik beradiknya.  no chocolate, no sugar2 manis2, no biscuits, no roti2, no nuts, no potatos, no jajan2, no kuih2, no kek2.. no fruits and no foods made from flour.

so what i ate during my atkins diet?  vegetables (mostly i ate spinach mentah), fish, chicken, prawn, daging, cheese, eggs, daging burger & sosej.

and don't forget.. WATER WATER WATER.. it is very important to drink enough water when u do atkins diet.  every 25kg of your body weight, need 1 liter of water a day.. so if your weight is 75kg, your body needs 3liter of water. so i drink a lot of water during my diet.  when i felt hungry, i didnt eat.. but i drink water.  then the lapar will go away.. ha ha ha..  tapi bila dah lapar and tiba time makan.. kita makan la..

haaaaa tuuuu dia.. ko mampu?  amazingly i mampu that time.. saya pun heran mcm mana boleh cekalnya hati time tu.. but it really worth it.  i lost 7.6kg in a month.  obviously people around me can see the difference of my body..

lemah?  yes.. i felt a little bit lemah during the diet journey.  it's normal.. that is why people who doing this kind of diet need to take supplement.  mcm saya hari tu just mkn vit c saja utk tingkatkan imun badan.. to avoid selsema, demam, batuk during that journey.

how can i be soooo gigih?  cekal?  actually my weight have been up and down, up and down for so long time. I struggled with eating and overeating when i was in london...pernah my weight cecah 63kg.  can u imagine??? then my weight statik at 56 - 58kg eventhough i've tried almost everything to lose weight like premium beautiful, xenical, yoga and skip my dinner.  tp tetap statik!  so, ini tak boleh jadi.. then i've been introduced atkins diet by my friend kak mimi.  kak mimi buat mmg jadi kurus.. then she briefed me about this diet.. kak mimi cakap "hati kena kering ratna kalau nak buat diet ni.. just fikirkan.. berapa lama dah ratna mkn sedap2?  bertahun-tahun dah mkn sedap kan.. takkan stop utk 2 minggu tak boleh? ratna nak kurus kan?" hmm that's true.. bertahun-tahun.. berkoyan2 sudah aku mkn mcm2.  okay.. i took that challenge started the next day.  


what about now.. ? still maintain the same weight?  ha ha ha.. ada naik 4kg sbb melantak mkn tak ingat punya lately ni.. tgh berusaha turunkan semula ke 49kg or 50kg.. but at leasttttt.... i can maintain 49-50kg for 1 year!!  alhamdulillah!!!.. 

okay la.. there it is for now.. till we meet again ya.. 


Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Assalamualaikum good people.. 

i'm back.. i'm back.. i'm back in blogging world.  

Actually, i used to have one blog that I started almost 10 years ago when I was so so so interested in social media.  I mostly wrote about my everyday life and hmmmm.. i think it wasn't really bad. but......for now i think semua itu poyo.. ha ha ha..seriously, benda remeh pun nak cerita.   OMG laaa.. ah! still dont believe that i can wrote about it.  

i stopped blogging for almost 1 and half years dgn alasan malas nak update, lack of time, and maybe because of faktor umur.  i'm not really old actually.. but maybe dah matang sikit kot.. muahahaha.. so, i need to slow down in blogging, fb, twitter.. slow down tu maksudnya.. cukup2 la telling people about our life kann.. cukup2 la membebel in blog for almost everyday dulu and who knows... ada pula unsur2 riak.. unsur menunjuk-nujuk dlm penulisan saya tu.. saya je yang tak perasan dulu.  lagi parah... 

but.. minat tetap minat.. i love to share (tp bukan share laki)...saya suka share benda yg baik utk kebaikan bersama.. saya suka share benda yg best so that people around me pun boleh merasa.  

ooopppsss.. ada unsur riak tak dgn kata2 tu?  

but actually that is the main reason why i'm back in blogging world.  share ilmu.. share experience.. share benda2 yg baik.. nak manfaatkan blog ni sebaik2nya.. nak masukkan benda2 yg penting saja dlm blog ni.. 

insya allah.. 

ingatkan saya jika saya tersasar.. 
